Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA

Welcome to Vienna

Digital Landscape Architecture Conference 2024

June 5 to 7, 2024
New Trajectories in Computational Urban Landscapes and Ecology
Vienna University of Technology, Austria

DLA Gallery 2024 Vienna 

We are pleased to share the photos from the DLA conference 2024 with you. You can view and download the pictures using the following link:
Please note that this link will be active for the next two months. After that, access will expire, so be sure to save any photos you’d like to keep.

Open Access Presentation of JoDLA 9-2024

February 2024
As result of the full paper review, 97 papers have been accepted for publication in JoDLA 9-2024. Congratulations!
The review was powered by OpenConf and 83 reviewers – Thank you and see you all in Vienna!

December 2023

131 submissions to JoDLA 9-2023 have been invited to be submitted as a full paper for further review. This is the result of 455 blind reviews of the 147 extended abstracts submitted.

We look forward to receiving the anonymous full papers for review at the latest by
January 10, 2024.

Season’s Greetings

September 2023

After the DLA is before the DLA!

The 25th annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture DLA 2024, will be held at Vienna University of Technology, Austria.

Therefore, we are inviting you to submit an abstract for next year’s issue of JoDLA Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture JoDLA 9-2024.

The upcoming topic is:

New Trajectories in Computational Urban Landscapes and Ecology.

The host for DLA 2024 is Vienna University of Technology, Austria.Vienna is waiting for you!

Please refer to DLA page for 2024




We look forward to seeing your abstract soon, and to seeing you next June at DLA 2024!

We invite you to contribute to this conference on all aspects of technologies in landscape architecture.

“Extended Abstract” should have a minimum of 1200 and maximum of 2000 words including key references. The extended abstract needs to show the progress and the uniqueness of the study in some area of Digital Landscape Architecture.

Submit the abstract as a pdf file online via the web-based submission system at: > Review System by November 1, 2023


DLA Gallery 2023 Dessau
May 24: Public Opening of DLA-CON 2023

The 24 th DLA conference returned to the historic Bauhaus Dessau. It began with a public lecture in the Aula and a BDLA student exhibition on the Sponge City Quedlinburg World Heritage City in the Foyer. The evening concluded with a concert in the Kantine – “We Rock It” by Doctor Victor. The concert was a symbolic comment that landscape architects were up to the challenge of planning, designing and managing resilient landscapes. It was a festival where many of us were meeting each other in person after a several years dominated by virtual attendance.

The theme of the conference was Resilient Landscape Architecture. The German Association of Landscape Architects (BDLA) and Vectorworks were the co-sponsors of this theme.

Dr. Barbara Steiner, the new Bauhaus Director, gave the opening keynote address. She introduced us to the progress made by the New European Bauhaus, a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. Its aspiration is a future that is Beautiful | Sustainable | Together.

Her address was followed by an excellent panel discussion that also included Prof. Ralf Niebergall, Vice Chairman of Federal Chamber of German Architects, Prof. Dr. Nicole Uhrig, Anhalt University, and moderated by Prof. Dr. Pia Fricker, Aalto University.

The main conference continued next door in the Aula of Anhalt University. For two days we benefited from hearing 64 peer reviewed papers, four keynote lectures, along with roundtable and discussions.

May 22, 2023

JoDLA 8-2023 is online!
Link to open access version :
The Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture addresses all aspects of digital technologies, applications, information, and knowledge pertaining to landscape architecture research, education, practice, and related fields. The journal publishes original papers in English that address theoretical and practical issues, innovative developments, methods, applications, findings, and case studies that are drawn primarily from work presented at the annual international Digital Landscape Architecture conference. Its intent is to encourage the broad dissemination of these ideas, innovations, and practices.
This issue of the Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 8-2023, presents contributions from the 23rd annual conference at Anhalt University / Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau Campus Germany, (May 24 to May 27, 2023), covering seven broad topics:

  • Resilient Landscape, Global Change and Hazard Response
  • Landscape and Building Information Modeling (LIM + BIM) and other Standardizations in Digital Landscape Architecture
  • Algorithmic Design and Analysis Landscapes
  • Geodesign Approaches, Technologies, and Case Studies
  • UAV Imagery and Remote Sensing and Digital Fabrication in Landscape Architecture
  • Visualization, Animation and Mixed Reality Landscapes (VR, AR)
  • Teaching and Hybridization in Digital Landscape Architecture

Visit DLA 2023 conference May 24-27 at

February 2023

By February 3, we could send out 64 acceptance emails for publication in JoDLA 8-2023!.

We are looking forward to meeting the authors during the next hybrid DLA Conference from May 25 to May 27 at Anhalt University in Dessau. Their contributions will be published as open access papers at However, we highly recommend personal exchange with the authors made possible by attending the conference. See the information of the DLA 2023 conference at

We received 93 extended abstracts as of November 1, 2022. On December 1, we accepted 77 authors for full paper submissions. Congratulations to the authors now being recognized! And thank you to the reviewers who wrote more than 350 recommendations on the anonymous abstracts, and in the second phase of the review 150 commentaries for the full paper submissions.

Starting October 2023 you are invited to submit your extended abstract for JoDLA and DLA 2024!

November 2022


While 70 reviewers are evaluating the more than 90 entries from 20 countries for the next publication in JoDLA 8-2023, the general program of the DLA is being prepared.
On Wednesday May 24 th , the evening prior to the conference, we will celebrate landscape architecture in the Bauhaus Aula in Dessau.
Some impressions from the DLA 2019 in Dessau:

The theme of the evening on May 24, 2023 will be “Resilient Landscape + Landscape Architecture: We Rock It!”

18.00 / 6PM Opening Lectures with Updates on the New European Bauhaus (simultaneous English / German) and Impressions “One World” with violine and drums.
Exhibition: Sponge City Quedlinburg – Results of the BDLA Student Competition

20:00 / 8PM: Buffet
21:00 / 9PM We Rock Landscape Architecture – DOCTOR VICTOR, Prag

Location: Bauhaus Aula Bauhaus Dessau, Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
By February 1, 2023, the results of the review process will be known, and the conference program for Thursday to Saturday, and DLA registration will be available.

SUBMISSION OF EXTENDED ABSTRACTS FOR JoDLA 8 – 2023 opened on October 1, 2022.

This is a friendly reminder to submit your extended abstract for the Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 8-2023. Dessau is waiting for your next contribution to the Digital Landscape Architecture DLA.

A successful contribution would open the floor for presenting at the 23rd annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture DLA 2023 held at the Dessau Campus of Anhalt University, Germany.

The 23rd annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture DLA 2023, will be held at the Dessau Campus of Anhalt University, Germany. We invite you to contribute to this conference on all aspects of technologies in landscape architecture. The “Extended Abstract” should have a minimum of 1200 and maximum of 2000 words including key references and additional selected graphics as attachment. The extended abstract needs to show the progress and the uniqueness of the study in some area of Digital Landscape Architecture.

Submit the abstract as a pdf file online via the web-based submission system using the button Review System by November 1, 2022.

Accepted abstracts are invited to be submitted as a full paper for a second fully blind peer review. Accepted papers will be published as fully blind peer-reviewed papers in Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 8-2023 by Wichmann VDE Verlag, Berlin-Offenbach:

Main Theme and Suggested Topics see Call for Papers at “DLA 2023 in Dessau”

Boston, June 9, 2022:
The 23rd Digital Landscape Architecture Conference was held June 9 – 10, 2022 at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard. The main theme of the Conference was HYBRID, and it was achieved in a marvelous way. As the image of the more than 60 in person participants shows,plus 100 virtual participants included experts on Digital Landscape Architecture from more than twenty countries provided a very intensive exchange during the 100 presentations and workshops. In the center oft he front row are Prof. Erich Buhmann, DLA Scientific Director and DLA Founder, Dr. Stephen Ervin, DLA Chair 2022, Sarah Whiting, Dean of Graduate School of Design at Harvard University and Prof. Dr. Carl Steinitz, one of the many longtime supporters of the DLA.

Dr. Ervin Stephen and his team at the GSD managed to further develop a very interactive way of communication and participation for both the in person and virtual participants. Thanks to a large Video Communication Team with several cameras and many monitors a hybrid sense of interaction between the remote and local contributors was possible. The peer-reviewed papers from each of the 60 speakers were published in the JoDLA and available to all registered participants before the conference. Speakers prepared a 7 minute video presentation though many speakers supplemented it with live dialogue, The presentation sessions, including the remarkable keynote speakers were recorded and can be viewed at www.DLA-conference,com.

Additionally, all papers are published with color graphics in the 715-page Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture JoDLA 7-2022.The publisher Wichmann offers the last 10 years of publication of the DLA conferences under an Open Access license at .

We are now looking forward to receive the next extended abstracts for the 24th DLA Conference, which will be held May 24 to 28, 2023 in Dessau, at the famous Bauhaus campus and organized by Anhalt University. Extended Abstracts can be submitted between October 1 and November 1, 2023. Please follow for the documentation and further announcements.

December 05, 2021 – Extended Abstract Review for Journal of Landscape Architecture JoDLA 7-2022 ( is completed.

Ninety-three extended abstracts were reviewed by a jury of 63 reviewers for the next edition of Journal of Landscape Architecture JoDLA 7-2022. Each abstract was evaluated anonymously by at least four reviewers.
Based on the 386 completed reviews, the editors accepted 78 submissions for full paper submission.
These authors are invited to submit a Full Paper by January 10, 2022 for the second blind review phase.
The editor of JoDLA received entries from 27 countries. We note that the 13 rejected abstracts come from 9 different countries. We are pleased with the increasing quality of writing from non-native speaking countries and their contribution of striking research that merits peer-reviewed scientific publication in the field of digital landscape architecture. The annual DLA conference and the JoDLA have become truly international venues.
The next deadlines are now:

  • Full manuscript submission due: January 10, 2022
  • Manuscript reviews returned: February 15, 2022

Please follow the upcoming announcements concerning the next conference on Digital Landscape Architecture DLA from June 9-10, 2022 at the GSD in Harvard, where most of these papers will be presented:
Season`s Greetings and best wishes for safe and healthy New Year Dear colleagues.
For the team of editors,
Erich Buhmann, JoDLA office

Boston and Bernburg, September 15, 2021:
Review System for JoDLA 7-2022 and DLA 2022 in Boston is active

 The 23rd Annual International HYBRID Digital Landscape Architecture Conference will be held at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), Cambridge Massachusetts USA (public health considerations allowing), and simultaneously / asynchronously on-line.

The Main Theme and Suggested Topics: “Hybrid Landscapes”

“We live in an increasingly hybrid world. Hybrid plants; hybrid cars; hybrid teaching and learning; hybrid workplaces; hybrid landscapes…. What “hybrid vigor” can the hybridization of the analog and the digital offer to landscape architects, urban/environmental designers, and planetary citizens?”

We invite you to contribute to this conference on all aspects of technologies in landscape architecture. The “Extended Abstract” should have a minimum of 1200 and a maximum of 2000 words of unpublished findings including key references. As your submission will be reviewed blind, you are asked to avoid names of your authors and organizations in your text. Your contribution will be identified only by the submission number.

Additionally we are asking you to upload a file with your extended abstract, key references and selected graphics as pdf file. Please make sure that this upload is also anonymous. The review system is allowing only one upload; the latest upload is always replacing the earlier upload of your submission.

Submission date line for extended abstracts: November 1, 2021

Please submit direct at

You’ll find the link to the JoDLA Review System also on the home page of the DLA 2022 conference

Accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper by Jan. 10, 2022, for a second-round fully blind peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published as papers in JoDLA Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 7–2022 by Wichmann VDE Verlag, Berlin-Offenbach. See last year’s JoDLA 6-2021 at

Bernburg, July 30, 2021 – A short report on the DLA 2021

The Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA21, held May 26-28 at Anhalt University, remains very popular

We are very happy that this year’s second virtual DLA, organized in Germany, had 780 registrations and close to 400 active participants from 56 countries, keeping the level of participation of last year’s DLA at Harvard University.

Map with the 56 countries of DLA 2021 participants

We offered a compact format moderated through the entire conference by live moderators.

We learned that Digital Landscape Architecture offers tools needed to contribute to the extensive challenges of Resilient Landscape Architecture and Global Change. After the first day of very well received workshops on UAF, Geodesign, and BIM, the second day focused on Resilient Landscape Architecture. The final day was devoted to standardization in landscape architecture, such as Building Information Models – BIM.

Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, President of the German Environmental Agency, UBA Umweltbundesamt, in his Welcome Address defined the role of technical tools such as digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and digital twins, addressing the objectives of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. The opening keynote speaker, landscape architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom from Thailand, introduced the problem of rainwater management in the completely sealed city of Bangkok. Keynote speaker Mohan S. Rao landscape architect from India introduced his work on integrating all involved parties in addressing issues of global change. The keynotes on the final day focused on Building Information Models and the need for further development towards Landscape Information Models that address environmental factors more adequately.

The DLA offered three parallel sessions with eight different topics in addition to the keynote lectures. The forty-five lectures are already published as open access paper in

Please see the video documentation of the

  • keynote lectures and the panel discussions and the
  • presentation files of the fifty lectures and workshops

on the 2021 DLA web page

The documentation of the conference is organized by the eight main topics and in the sequence of conference.  You also find the two lectures from the conference on virtually teaching landscape architecture studios, by Prof. Dr. Travis Flohr and Prof. Dr. Jörg Rekittke.

Some of this year’s DLA pictures: The live panel – here during handing over the DLA 2022 to Harvard at the end of the conference, and a snap shot of the communication tool.

The closing moderators from left Prof. Dr. Stephen Ervin, Prof. Dr. Matthias Pietsch, Prof. Erich Buhmann, Jeanne Colgan and Prof. Dr. Jörg Rekittke

A snap shot of the communication tool by the DLA 2021 video conference system

And a big thank you to all authors, speakers, reviewers, moderators, technical supporters,sponsors and supporters!
The DLA team is already preparing to accept the next abstracts by the dead line of November 1, 2021. Accepted papers will be published in May 2022 for the section of presentations in Boston in June 2022.
Please submit your extended abstract to our review system by November 1:


The annual international Digital Landscape Architecture DLA addresses all aspects of digital technologies, applications, information, and knowledge based on research, education, and practice pertaining to landscape architecture and related fields. 

While the conference is frequently hosted on the Anhalt University Campus adjacent to the Bauhaus World Heritage Site in Dessau; Germany or on the nearby campus in Bernburg, the DLA has also been hosted by landscape architecture faculties in Valletta, Zürich, Istanbul, Munich and Boston.

Papers are selected by a two-phase peer review process. Accepted papers are published in the Journal Digital Landscape Architecture JoDLA. Authors of outstanding papers are then invited to speak at the conference. The journal publishes original papers that address theoretical and practical issues, innovative developments, methods, applications, findings, and case studies that are drawn primarily from work presented at the annual DLA conference. Its intent is to encourage the broad dissemination of these ideas, innovations, and practices. The JoDLA is listed in the international citation database Scopus.

The JoDLA has an open access policy. Past issues are available at

We encourage you to participate in the DLA.

130 Landscape Architects from thirty countries attending the 20th Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA

July 2024

Link to 2024 Digital Landscape Architecture Conference Review

June, 2024

Please see the EARLY CALL FOR PAPERS on this page

The Review System will accept your extended abstracts starting October 1, 2024

May 2024

JoDLA 9-2024 now online!
See the Open Access Presentation of JoDLA 9-2024

January 10, 2024:

One hundred and five anonymous full papers are being double blind reviewed by eighty-three reviewers!

Thank you to all the authors who managed to get their work in on time. Many of the full paper entries look very promising.


November 1, 2023:

We have received 146 extended abstract submissions from 30 countries!
81 reviewers are now evaluating these entries anonymously (first phase of the double blind review process).
On December 1, 2023 we will send out the invitations for the most promising authors for submitting full papers.

September 18, 2023

The review system for submitting your abstract for a paper in JoDLA 9-2024 will be available this week.

Please check details on “Call for Papers”  dateline for submission: November 1, 2023

May 1, 2023

JoDLA 8-2023 is being printed  at this time. The 650 pages with 64 contributions will be in your hands on May24!

Check the 4 day program with the presentations and sign up.

April 1, 2023

Please find the complete DLA 2023 Conference Program and the DLA 2023 Conference Registration for Dessau at: /

February 1, 2023

DLA Student Poster Competition 2023 has been posted:


DLA2023 | Digital Landscape Architecture Conference HYBRID
Anhalt University will host the 24th annual International Conference on Information Technologies in Landscape Architecture. 
The DLA Digital Landscape Architecture conference will be held at the Dessau Campus from May 24th to 27th in hybrid format.
Under this year’s theme “Future Resilient Landscapes” the program includes over 60 lectures, keynote speakers, a panel discussion, workshops and excursions. The conference language is English.

The website will be updated shortly, with a detailed program and registration platform:

October 1, 2022:
The Review System is accepting new extended abstracts for JoDLA 8-2023 until
November 1

July, 1 2022:
Documentation of Hybrid DLA 2022 now completed with all presentations and discussions and videos at:

June 10, 2022after DLA is before DLA:

May 25 to 27, 2023
“Future Resilient Landscape”
Dessau Campus of Anhalt University, Germany

Important dates for DLA 2023

November 1, 2022
Extended Abstracts due

December 1, 2022
Notification of acceptance

January 5, 2023
Full manuscript draft due

February 15, 2023
Revised/final manuscript due

February 1, 2023
Opening of Call for Posters

March 21, 2022


JoDLA is now listet in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals):

June 18th, 2021

The Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture JoDLA is listed in the international citation database Scopus, where it is in the 65th percentile among architecture journals.



June 16th, 2021
Jury Report DLA Poster 2021

The three winning DLA 2021 posters from three continents!

Read more

JoDLA invites 56 authors from 19 countries to submit to Full Paper Review by January 10, 2021 – Congratulations to the Authors! The results of the abstract review:
next: DLA 2021 May 25-28 in Dessau
Digital Landscape Architecture by Stephen Ervin

Participating countries (as of May 2020)

Participating Organizations (as of May 2020)

Real World Works by Jörg Rekittke

Important Dates for the review process for DLA 2022 Boston

Opening Call for Abstracts Sep. 1, 2021
Abstracts due Nov. 1, 2021
Notification of acceptance Dec. 1, 2021
Full manuscript submission due: Jan. 10, 2022
Opening of Call for posters Feb. 1, 2022
Manuscript reviews returned: Feb 15, 2022

Revised/ final manuscriptur due:

March 1, 2022
Posters and Art submissions due May 1, 2022
Conference June 6 – June, 2022 (final date TBA)
Post-Conf. Activities / Field Trips June 8 – 11, 2022 (TBA)


Main Theme and Suggested Topics:
For the 23 rd Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, the Editors and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture cordially invite you to submit abstracts for original, unpublished presentations focusing on the conference’s main theme

“HYBRID: Analog + Digital = The next normal”

Abstracts, posters and panel proposals are encouraged on one or more of these topics:
1) Post-Pandemic Hybridization in Life, Landscapes and Practice
2) Algorithmic Design and Analysis of Landscapes
3) Mobile Devices, Internet-of-Things, and 'Smart' systems in the Landscape
4) Data Science and Landscape Information Modelling
5) Drone/UAV Imagery and uses
6) Digital Fabrication in Landscape Architecture
7) Visualization and Animation of Landscapes
8) Mixed reality (AR / VR) and Immersive Environments
9) Geodesign Approaches, Technologies, and Case Studies
10) Digital Landscape Architectural Responses to Climate Change
11) Teaching Digital Landscape Architecture
12) Digital Landscape Architecture in Practice

JoDLA Review Process:
The author’s fee for the publication will be 350 Euros for the standard 8 pages of print
with the option of publishing up to 4 extra pages for 50 Euros per additional page.
The conference language is English. The DLA 2022 conference will be held at the Graduate
School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass, USA
For further information please contact:
Stephen Ervin, Conference Chair
DLA Conference Local Chair 2020: Stephen Ervin, Harvard GSD
DLA Conference Scientific Director: Prof. Erich Buhmann, Hochschule Anhalt

DLA 2021 supported by

Impressions from DLA Dessau, 2015

DLA | Digital Landscape Architecture